Salesforce vs Insightly - which CRM is better for contact segmentation?

August 12, 2021

Salesforce vs Insightly - which CRM is better for contact segmentation?

As companies grow, managing contacts can become a daunting task. This is where Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software comes in handy, as it helps businesses keep track of their interactions with customers and prospects. With the increasing importance of contact segmentation, it’s crucial to choose the right CRM software that can provide the most effective segmentation features. In this post, we compare the contact segmentation capabilities of two leading CRM software: Salesforce and Insightly.


Salesforce is one of the most popular CRM software in the market, with over 150,000 customers worldwide. One of its strengths is its capability to segment contacts based on various attributes, such as account type, industry, geography, and more. Salesforce offers multiple tools for contact segmentation, including custom fields, lead scoring, and dynamic lists. With custom fields, users can create unique attributes to describe their contacts and accounts for a more personalized approach. Lead scoring helps identify high-quality leads by assigning scores based on their engagement and behavior. Meanwhile, dynamic lists automatically update contacts based on pre-defined rules, such as those who have opened an email.


Insightly is a CRM with a focus on small business owners and entrepreneurs. While its customer base might not be as large as Salesforce, Insightly still offers impressive contact segmentation features. For instance, users can create custom fields, tags, and filters to segment their contacts based on different criteria. Insightly also offers a built-in reporting tool that provides an overview of how contacts are segmented, making it easier to identify patterns and analyze data.

Salesforce vs Insightly

Both Salesforce and Insightly offer effective contact segmentation features, but which one is better? It depends on your company's size and specific needs. Salesforce is generally more expensive but offers advanced tools and customizability that large businesses often require. Insightly, on the other hand, is more affordable and suitable for small businesses that need a more straightforward CRM system.

When it comes to contact segmentation features, Salesforce might have the upper hand, as it offers more tools and a more extensive list of attributes to segment contacts. However, Insightly's intuitive interface and built-in reporting tool make it easier to track and analyze segmented contacts.

Ultimately, it's about finding the CRM system that fits your company's needs the most. Both Salesforce and Insightly offer free trials, so you can test them out before making a decision.


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